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ABA Basics: The Difference Between NET and DTT

As a compassionate ABA specialist, I understand that parents of children with autism may feel overwhelmed when it comes to choosing the right therapy approach for their child. In this post, I will discuss the two ABA therapy approaches used here at Meem, Naturalistic Environment Training (NET) and Discrete Trial Training (DTT), and how they may benefit your child.

Naturalistic Environment Training (NET) is an approach to ABA therapy that focuses on teaching skills in natural environments, such as the home or community setting. This approach is child-led, meaning that the therapist will follow your child's interests and incorporate those interests into the therapy session. NET is often used to teach social skills, communication, and play skills in a more natural and functional setting.

Discrete Trial Training (DTT) is another approach used in ABA therapy that involves breaking down complex skills into smaller, more manageable steps. This approach is structured and teacher-led, meaning that the therapist will provide clear prompts and reinforcements to teach the desired behavior or skill. DTT is often used to teach academic skills, self-care skills, and more structured and routine-based behaviors.

Both NET and DTT have their benefits and limitations, and the approach that is best suited for your child may depend on their individual needs and learning style. For example, if your child struggles with structured routines and prefers a more natural learning environment, NET may be the better approach. If your child benefits from clear prompts and structure, DTT may be a better fit.

At our clinic, we use a combination of both NET and DTT to create a personalized treatment plan for each child. Our team of experienced and compassionate BCBAs will work closely with you and your child to determine which approach is best suited for your child's individual needs. We understand that every child is unique, and we tailor our therapy sessions to meet each child's individual strengths and challenges.

We also prioritize collaboration with parents and caregivers, as we know that the most successful therapy outcomes happen when we work together as a team. We provide regular progress updates and communication with parents and caregivers to ensure that we are working towards common goals for your child.

If you are considering ABA therapy for your child with autism, we invite you to schedule a consultation with us. Our team of experienced and compassionate RBTs are here to answer any questions you may have and to help you determine which approach is best suited for your child's unique needs. We are committed to helping your child thrive and reach their full potential.

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